Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Our Fair City

On Saturday afternoon I went and had a pedicure with my mom, my sister, and my niece. We also got some various forms of waxings (I did my lower legs, mom did her upper lip, etc.). So we're ready for a hot vacation now!

And hot it is...

Mom, Em and I landed in Boston last night. I forget from time to time how humid it gets on the east coast. I suppose the lush greenery should have jogged my memory, alas it did not.

BUT--notwithstanding the humidity, it was evident from the first why Bostonians refer to their hometown as "Our Fair City". It is beautiful here.

Today we're going to try to figure out how to use the "T" so we can head off toward the Science Museum, andwhatever else strikes our fancies. Tomorrow around noon Julie arrives. At some point, we will hook up with Sloth. That's about the extent of our plans.

I'll write more posts if I can, but if I'm too busy having fun I'll write when we get home (next Monday).