Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Papa and the Kids

Here’s a picture of my dad. Last fall, right after his best friend died, he got very sick. This picture was taken before he was completely back to healthy, but was a whole lot better (approximately late November).


I’m ready for him to be back to this place now.

His white blood cell count has been up 3 days in a row now (although for those of you out there who know medicine, there hasn’t been a left-shift), so he’s still in ICU while we figure out why. There was a CT scan of his belly last night to make sure there’s no GI leakage (from the surgery or anything else), and that came out clean. Whew! We are very hopeful that he’ll be moved to the floor today.

In other good news, his wife will go home this weekend, so I’ll have a chance to take care of him myself without feeling inadequate or in the way. And I’ve offered to take him home when he’s ready to travel. I think she might let me do that. As with everything else, we’ll know more later.
In the meantime, today is Halloween! I made this costume for Robin—he is Kyozo Oekaki, from the Anime version of Seven Samurai:

Happy Halloween Robin

Storey is a fairy and Emily is a witch:

Happy Halloween

I am going as a stressed-out 40-year-old without a job. What the hell—the costume was easy to put together.

As always, I’ll update when I can. And again, thank you, thank you, thank you for all your prayers, thoughts and comments. It’s meant the world to me this past week.