Thursday, November 16, 2006

Not quite the same as blowing shit up...

Yesterday I napped for 3 hours. I dreamed that I was in a public place and I rather unexpectedly started my period (which would be a real feat, considering I have no uterus!). When I awoke, my pillow was wet. My eardrum had burst in my sleep and all the fluid oozed out onto my pillow.

And, sweet mercy, I felt so much better! No more pressure. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.

I went to the doc, got a gazillion meds, then slept even more.

Today I am back to human, though still very tired. All I can say is thank god for my email pals who kept me awake at work (thanks, people!).

I can’t wait for my mom to get here. It’s been postponed, but should be tomorrow afternoon. Yay!