Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Open Letter to My Sister

Dear Kate,

When your son was born, then your daughter, then my daughter, I thought we'd never have time alone together again. I figured our sister days were over and we'd just be moms together.

I've never been so happy to be wrong. It's fabulous beyond my imagining now that our kids are old enough to play together without our constant interaction. Thanks for such a wonderfully fun weekend.

Specifically, thanks for pulling everything together for the parade on Saturday morning--for dragging all the chairs to a good spot, for taking all those great pictures, for buying Emily two balloons, and for making dinner for everyone afterward.

Thanks for all your help with shopping on Saturday afternoon. I feel like the new wardrobe, combined with my updated resume, will certainly get me the right job now!

Thanks for paying for the ride bracelets for all the kids on Sunday. Thanks for schlepping all the stuff and all the kids (and mom) to the beach on Monday morning while I went to the horrific fake interview. And thanks for your perspective on that, too.

Mostly though, thanks for not making me pee my pants when you made me laugh so hard. Seriously. I'd have had to beat the crap out of you. (Sha--as if!) I was trying to remember the last time I laughed so hard my stomach hurt, and it occurred to me that it was with you!

Ok. That's all. Thanks for being such a fantastic big sister. I love the crap out of you.