Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Woke Up, Got Out of Bed

dragged a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup; looking up, I noticed I was late....

I was an hour late to work this morning and the universe rewarded me in the form of the radio playing one of my favorite Beatles songs.

At long last, our internet access issues at home seem to be over. Last night, I installed an SBC Global DSL line. Goodbye Cable Access with your terrible connection and even worse customer service! Also with the new DSL line, our home wireless network issues seem to be resolved. Whew!

Some day soon, I'm going to post pictures of the new countertop I installed in my sewing room, but I can't find my digital camera cord to download them. Dang.

Nothing to talk about today. Gotta get some work done. See y'all around!