Friday, November 19, 2004

Little Friday Bits

One year ago today, my cousin Melissa died. Her mother is still very angry. If you pray, please think of her today in your prayers. If you don’t, well then, just think of her. She needs peace in her life.


We have, at LONG last, finished painting the outside of our house. I’m very happy with it and will try to post a picture or two this weekend.


We had the piano tuned last week—it was in desperate need. The tuner mentioned that he also does woodwork (refinishing and such), so yesterday he came and gave us an estimate to have our dining room table refinished. Very reasonable! He’s coming today to do it, and he’s also going to re-glue the base and chairs wherever needed. I’m so excited. It’ll be like having a new table in time for the holidays.


Emily slept in her own bed last night all night. When she awoke this morning, I asked how she slept and she said, “Great, Mommy! Just like I was a growed-up!” I’m proud of her, but it’s a bittersweet thing. I love cuddling with her tiny, soft, warm body. I’m going to miss that.


Last week, we ordered a countertop and purchased base cabinets for our sewing room; the counter should be delivered next week. I hope it’s here early in the week because I’d love to get that room put together before the Holidays (though I’m skeptical that it’ll happen before Thursday). Anyway, I’m so VERY excited about the new layout we’ve put together, I’ll be SURE to post pictures so you can all ooh and aah with envy.


As I’ve mentioned a number of times this week, I’m working on a rather large project. I really ought to be absent from blogland for a while, however since I hate my job, it’s hard to stay away from you lovely people. I’ll check in when I can.