Friday, September 24, 2004

Mini Post: Happy Happy Friday. :)

Another terrifically happy day. Boy, this is getting sappy isn’t it?

It’s Friday; it’s payday; I refinanced my house and it funded today. **giddy giggles**

I’m going to San Jose this weekend with Emily and her father to visit his parents. I’m not overly excited about that, I don’t like not having any time at home on the weekend, however I’m going to meet up with Leese & her boys on Sunday before we head home. THAT I’m excited about!

I promise I’ll post about it on Monday morning.

Sheesh, I got nothing else to talk about today. How about I steal an idea from Celti a few weeks ago? Ask me anything and I’ll reply either when I get back online Monday, or this weekend if I can sneak some time at the not-my-in-laws computer.

Be good to each other. Have a lovely weekend.